Padel Dictionary (2024)

Padel is currently one of the most popular and fastest-growing racket sports in the world. This article explains the padel vocabulary to help you, as a padel player and spectator, to better understand the game.

Padel balls on padel racket



Americano = A game format consisting of several rounds. At the start of a new round, players are always assigned a new partner and opponent. Americano’s score is calculated individually for each round.


Backhand = The weakest hand’s hitting side.

Backspin = The ball rotates against the direction of the shot. When hitting the ground, the backspin ball bounces slower and lower, for example tennis drop shot.

Bandeja = A smash-like overhead shot. In Bandeja, the power is more important than the spin and the purpose of the shot is to slow the game down.

Bajada = A shot where the ball bounces high off the back wall so that the player hits it directly from the air.

Block = Volley-shot straight from the air in front of the body.

Break = The player who is returning the serve wins that game.


Cadete = Cadete is a more stylish shot, where the ball is hit from behind the back. It can be used in situations where the ball falls close to the sidewall and the player has no room to hit from backhand.

Chiquita = A short, low shot, similar to a tennis drop shot, aimed at the front of the court or at the opponent’s feet.

Contrapared = A situation where a player hits the ball via his own back wall to the opponent’s side.


Deuce = The game is tied 40-40.

Doble toque = A shot where the ball hits the racket twice.

Dormiloña = A sharp drop shot where the ball is hit downwards into the court from the top of the opponent’s net.

Drive = The forehand side of the court.

Dropshot = Dropshot, a short backspin shot to the opponent’s forehand.


Efecto = Spin.


Forehand = The forehand side, the striking side of the stronger hand.

Fridge = A tactic that deliberately avoids hitting the ball to a particular opponent. The purpose of the fridge tactic is to weaken the ball feel of the opponent in question.


Gancho = A defensive overhead shot where the ball is hit from an overhead position without spin towards the opponent’s side wall.

Globo = Lobby, a shot where the ball is lofted high and long.

Grip = Racket grip (a straight hammer grip is used in padel).


Padel Player

Half volley = A half-volley is a shot where a player hits a rising ball.


Kick = An overhead spin shot that causes the ball to bounce high when it hits the court.


Let = If the ball goes through the net into the service box, the Let rule is used, i.e. the service is retaken.

Lob = Lobby, a shot where the ball is lifted high and long (same as Globo).


No man’s land = The area between the backcourt and the front court. A player should not stand in this area as it is unsuitable for attacking and defending.


Por tres (X4) = A smash shot that causes the ball to bounce over a three-meter side wall.

Por cuatro (X4) = A smash shot that causes the ball to bounce over the four-meter back wall.


Reves = The backhand side of the field.


Salida = A shot where the player runs out through the gates and hits a ball that has bounced over a side wall.


Víbora = A Badeja-like shot, but with the aim of producing more power than spin.

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